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*Makes Areola Restoration EASY! 


*An Entire toolkit for every step...


*The Empowering Tattoo process:



The ideal conversation starter!!   Let your client can have fun remembering which styles look like her old ones, and discussing color range, shape and size.

*BONUS - all your clients will see it and remember and tell their breast cancer friends and family!

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Patents Pending in 65 Countries!


Temporary Areola Tattoos Empower your client in your consultation!  Allow her to choose the style she loves while showing you what color range works best in her skin tone.


*All styles match the Ever After Areola Series range to take away the guesswork for you and make it easy to look good!



Just like any good pre-drawn tattoo design sheet, our Diagram sheet comes with line drawings for a lifetime of stencils! 

Choose your size and make a stencil.  Learn how to hand-draw all stencils for more connection with the artistic element of your job and take a more heart-felt approach.

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3 COLOR RANGES - Light, Medium, and Dark 

*We help you navigate the difficulties of finding colors that work for all your clients skin tones, each set has a shadow color, a nipple color, and 3 areola colors.  

*BONUS - they match NIPPLEBACKS so your client can TRY THEM ON and show you what works best for them!

Choose Your Look Book


A How-To with full color reference AND greyscale reference for every style of NIPPLEBACKS temporary areola tattoos.


This book Teaches you how to make stencils and outlines a safe and responsible approach to restorative tattooing in scar tissue.

*Made to fit in a wash bottle bag to safely use as you work!


A.R.T. Books

It all started when Stacie-Rae wrote her first book back in 2012 - the areola diagrams she drew for that book became the flash sheet and NIPPLEBACKS.  Now we have 3 books, 2 training manuals, a magazine, and more in the works!  Click the picture for more on our BOOKS!

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